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08 October 2007

Financial Planning

I think everyone should be taught financial planning in high schools because it's a very important lesson for one to learn regardless of their career path. The sooner the better. I'm not aware or should I say ignorant about the importance of it until I got married and have Ethan. Most people do, anyway. The first few years I worked, I never saved. Like what most of the youngsters do nowadays, I spent what I earned and with a credit card on hand, the spending became worst. Thank goodness the bad habit didn't last long. I do pamper myself with nice stuff once in a while now but I don't go to the mall and buy things for the sake of buying. I used to buy things which I don't need but bought it because it's discounted. I know there are people out there who survives on credit cards and when the debts get out of hand, they take payday loans or cash advance to settle their debts. I don't know if that really helps to lessen their burden but I'm glad I don't have to resort to that.


Lady Gargle said...

I settled my credit card 3 years ago and now credit card free! :) I swear not to take one no more

TheBlueRanger said...

yeah, it's best to stay away from the evil cards.