Layer One: On The Outside
Name : Ethan's Mummy
Birth Date : 2 September 1977
Current status : Married
Eye Colour : Dark brown
Hair Colour : Black
Righty or Lefty : Righty
Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage : Chinese-Hakka
Your Fears : Height & worms
Your Weakness : Hot temper
Your Perfect Pizza : Cheese all over
Layer Three : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First thing when I wake up : Want to take mc or not ar?
Your Bedtime : Before 9.00pm
Your Most Missed Memory : Childhood
Layer Four : Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Coke
McDonald’s or Burger King : McD
Single or Group Dates : Single lar....
Adidas or Nike : Both
Tea or Nestea : What is the difference ler?
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee : Cappucino
Layer Five : Do You..
Smoke : Yes, second hand smoke. Hubby smokes but very seldom in front of me.
Curse : Super bitch! Why? Because there is one in my office.
Take a shower : Twice a day, at least.
Have a crush : Of course!
Think you’ve been in love: Deffinitely!
Go to school : Not again!
Want to get married : Been there, done that.
Believe in yourself : Who else to believe?
Think you’re a health freak : No.
Layer Six : In The Past Month
Drank alcohol : A lot! During my confinement.
Gone to the mall : Yesterday
Been on stage : On my wedding reception...'Yummmmmm Seng!'
Eaten sushi : Yes
Dyed your hair : No
Layer Seven : Have You Ever..
Played A Stripping Game : Everytime before s*x. You don't start naked, right?
Changed Who You Were To Fit In : Don't get this..
Layer Eight : Age
You’re Hoping To Be Married : Before 30, which I did.
Layer Nine : In a
Best Eye Colour : Doesn't matter lar, as long as he can see.
Best Hair Colour : Doesn't matter also, as long as he is not bald.
Short Hair or Long Hair : Short and neat.
Layer Ten : What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago : Typing lar....
1 Hour Ago : Filling up the Income Tax Form!
1 Month Ago : Working.
1 Year Ago: Cannot remember lar.
Layer Eleven : Finish The Sentence
I Love : 'Kai Kai' and 'Mum Mum'
I Feel : Sleepy
I Hate : Mondays
I Hide : My flabby arms
I Need : Holiday
Layer Twelve : Tag five people..
Karen Yiau (Since you have done this, this tag goes to Dillon lor)
Etc Mommy
Baby Boon
Darren's Mummy
Da Rockin' Mama
sounds like you don't like to go to work..LOL!
i have a tag for u dear.
aiyo, I also going to tag Ect mom this. Now, cannot already, have to find another target.
I have a tag for baby Ethan 1st tag!
hate to wake up so early lar..
i thought you have forgotten, can escape..heheheh
malaika's mummy,
hahahaha...first-come first-served mar
wah, first tag for ethan, i still owe you one tag ler...lots of homework to catch up
don't worry, more to come!
Alamak.. panjang nya this tag.. :P Oki Oki.. will find time to do my homework..*wink*
yr fear and weakness is same like mine!
ethan's mummy can u tell me how you manage to put ethan to bed at 8pm or earlier... trying to do that with my baby but aiyo, failing failing..
Wah Dillon kene tagged also? His very 1st tag :D
wah cheese lover oso hehe
Wahh...hakka lang oso ahh? Can speak or not?? Hahah...I can speak half-half..heheh..long time no speak liao.
etc mommy,
long but easy one
yeah, same same
i will bring him to the room at 8 or earlier, dim the light, change him and let him play until he's tired. eventually, he gets used to it. another reason i think is becuase he wakes up early. i need to send him to the day care around 7.30am. so, wake up early, sleep early lor.
ethan also got one, yet to do..hehe
yeah, cheeeese....yummy
used to speak when my late grandma was still around. now, cannot lar. feel funny when i speak hakka..
will do the tag when have time..a long tag but quite a nice one.. thanks..
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