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20 March 2007

Tag - 6 Weird Things About Me

The title says it all. This tag came from Nadia, one of my favourite blogger mummies (or mummies blogger?). Sorry for the delay. I was on EL yesterday as Ethan was down with fever. Furthermore, this tag got me think very hard. Not that I don't have any weird things to tell but these weird things have become so routine to me and it took some thinking for me to realise that it's weird. So, here they are:
  1. I like to peel the skin around my finger nails and sometimes until it bleeds. I notice that my father and my sister do it as well. I guess it's in the gene...hehe.
  2. I must cover my feet with blanket when I sleep, even when it's hot. I can wear shorts but I must cover my feet.
  3. I love day dreaming, especially when I'm caught in long and boring meetings or conversations.
  4. I love to mix ketchup into my instant noodles.
  5. I'm scared of worms, all types. The sight of it can make me go mental.
  6. I like to grit my teeth, especially when I'm nervous or trying to control my temper.


etceteramommy said...

No 3 and No 5 not that weird also..... Hmm.. cannot count la.. Kekekeke....

TheBlueRanger said...

can lar... ;-)

N a d i a said...

feels like eating cintan me+ketchup already lah..hehehe...

TheBlueRanger said...

my favourite lar, esp. cintan chicken flavoured...yum yum