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08 March 2007

Strange Poo Poo Pattern

Ethan has strange poo poo pattern for the past two days. On Tuesday night, he poo-ed while I was feeding him porridge and it leaked. What a mess! I quickly cleaned him up while hubby helped to wash the walker's seat and floor. Poor hubby. He was halfway through his meal..hehehehe. Luckily, I've finished mine. Then, I continued to feed Ethan porridge after the cleaning session. He poo-ed again in the midnight. At first I didn't noticed until he cried. I thought he was hungry so I fed him water. I'm training him to sleep through the night now but the method doesn't work all the time. The poo was rather loose. So, twice on Tuesday.

Then on Wednesday morning, there were two sessions during the day and two sessions in the midnight. He only poo-ed in the midnight when he was one or two-month-old. It's rather strange for him to poo while sleeping. There was another session this morning when I sent him to the nursery. It leaked again. This time, on the car seat and my sleeve. I have to wash my sleeve at the nursery and went to work with a wet sleeve. Sigh.

Could it be teething again? Rather unlikely because he alreday has 6 teeth now. But I still hope it's teething rather than other causes. I haven't brought him to the clinic yet because it was not so serious compared to the last time when he had diarrhea caused by some virus (around November/December 2006). That time, I think he poo-ed more than 5 times in the midnight plus few times of vomitting. When every episode ended, three of us had to change clothes and the bedsheet. It was a sleepness night. The next day, all the 3 of us were down with diarrhea and vomitting.


Sasha Tan said...

Eh why all 3 got diarrhea and sick at the same time? Something is wrong la

CL said...

I think its better to go to a doc. Seem like he is having diarrhea.

etceteramommy said...

Better to go see the paed. But why 6 teeth and it could not be teething? Ryan has 8 teeth since 9 month old...

Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

oh no!! hope u're all better by now esp. ethan!!

TheBlueRanger said...

That time, it was virus. This time, don't know what's the reason but the paed said ok wor, not serious.

Malaika's mummy,
The paed gave Ethan soy based milk and he's ok now.

etcetera mommy,
Wah, Ryan got 8 teeth liao ar..

We are ok now. Thanks

Nadia said...

Oh dear, is he okay already? Is it teething time again?

TheBlueRanger said...

no teething, no nothing, but he is ok now.

Shannon said...

glad to know that everyone ok liao... :D