Jensen's age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Ethan's age

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

31 January 2007


Yay! Ethan can crawl. He started to crawl when he was 5 months old (first video) and can crawl properly on the floor without banging his head at 7 months (second video). Some articles I read said babies will sit first then crawl. Funny, Ethan seems to crawl well but cannot sit long by himself. After sitting for a while, like 30 seconds, he will fall.


Baby Darren said...

wau...he is fast..chinese said that "3rd mth turn over; 6th mth sit up; 9th mth crawl" and he already can crawl on 7th boy..darren still not able to move a step yet..

Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

congrats, isnt it heartwarming to see our munchkin make that first crawl :D

TheBlueRanger said...

baby darren,
chinese got such saying ar? haha...din't know about it. dun worry lar, darren will crawl soon :-)


Lemonjude said...

wow, Ethan so advance lehh...chinese also got said "7th month sit", "8th month crawl"

My fren's baby teething at 3 months old..wondering why are now babies grow very fast. It must be our food intake is different from last time.

TheBlueRanger said...

i always blame it on the DHA, AA, SA, all the 'A's :-)