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10 January 2007

My New Found Passion

The first one is blogging lar....apa lagi (including reading people's blog..he he). I can spend the whole day read and read and the most fascinating thing is I don't need my glasses to read..but I need them to write and read reports..he he....I can giggle giggle macam orang tak waras, on my own at my little cubicle...and I like blogs with lots of photos like Sasha one lar...macam macam interesting photo in there. Now I know camera phone is very very useful.

Second passion? Scrapbooking lor. Started exploring this since last Friday but not successful because I don't have the canggih canggih software. Then, thanks to Sasha again lor, rupa-rupanya can do scrapbook using MS Word. After spending the whole day searching and downloading free stuff from the net, I tried it out and came out like this lor

P/S: I blog and scrapbooking for Ethan lar..he he he


Sasha Tan said...

OMG!! that's so nice!!!good job!

TheBlueRanger said...

thank you thank you....more to come