Jensen's age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Ethan's age

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

26 February 2007

9 Months


(neh neh neh neh neh)

Mummy and daddy did not celebrate the occassion because we have forgotten about it. You were so cranky on that day until we cannot think anymore. But honestly, we do remember about it the day before and the day after.

We also found out on the next day that you actually had hand, foot and mouth disease but the doctor said you have almost fully recovered by then. Thank goodness it was a mild one. Maybe that's the reason you were cranky or was it the flu, baby? Mummy and daddy thought the little red spots with fluid inside were insect bites. Daddy even said it was wind caused by travelling. Mummy never heard of such thing before. Anyway, daddy always have funny funny theories. Mummy also saw an ulcer on your tongue but daddy said you knocked yourself on the staircase at God Grandma's house during CNY so we thought the ulcer was the result of the injury. We are so relief that you are alright now.

Do you know that you weight 8.8kg now? Mummy always want you to be chubbier but you only take 5oz of milk. Luckily you like porridge and take it two times a day. You have learnt a lot and there are things that you like and dislike. In case you do not remember, here are the things that you like and dislike now.

  1. Screaming.
  2. Biting especially the spoon when mummy feed you porridge. You bite basically everything you can grab.
  3. Grab people's face with your little hands.
  4. Throw things when you are bored with it.
  5. Bath. You will cry without fail everytime you finishes your bath.
  6. Hit things with your chest while standing. Check out the video below if you don't believe me.
  7. Favourite toys are plasctics and papers.
  8. Anchovies powder in your porridge.
  9. To be carried regardless who.

  1. Diaper change. You will cry and will not let mummy or daddy finish changing your diaper.
  2. Soft toys.
  3. Cereal.
  4. Water.


jazzmint said...

oo i like that picture, she look so adorable.

vyktore also likes to scream...can join the gang

Shannon said...

haha, i think all of out kids, about the same age, all same same lar.... SCREAM and be CARRIED... hahaha

HFM?? aiyoh... how come kena one??? THANK GOD it was mild... I was stunt when I read it... aiks...

TheBlueRanger said...

haha can't imagine when the kids have screaming match, our ear drum will burst

it sounds very scary ler..if we find out earlier, i might cancel the trip to it from other kids at the day care lar...2 other kids also got..long story

CutiePrincessMummy said...

Y ahh, nowadays the kids like to scream a lot hor?! sometimes i oso beh tahan when my princesses having screaming contest at home! :)

TheBlueRanger said...

hahaha, screaming from two toddlers. one is enough to make me go crazy.

Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

happy 9 months!! thank goodness the HF&M disease was gone!!

CL said...

Happy 9 months old.

Lucky that Ethan has recovered from the HFM.