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09 June 2008

Daddy Cooked for Ethan

While Mummy was away in Miyazaki, Japan to attend a conference, Daddy had to look after Ethan for one whole week (30 May - 6 June). The routine was pretty much the same with hubby sending and fetching Ethan home after work and sent Ethan to 'Poh Poh' (maternal grandma) during the weekend. Unfortunately, 'Poh Poh' had a 'very important' appointment on Sunday afternoon so hubby had to figure out what to feed Ethan. I was very....extremely...utterly.....surprised when he said that he COOKED. Pheewittt!!! That is super sexy to me.

I asked what he cooked and he said soup with rice and that Ethan had no comment. I don't know how he expect Ethan to comment, if there's any.

He never cook since Ethan was born...Errr except for frying eggs and poured hot water on instant noodles. Anyway, I'm really grateful for having such a good husband. I think I shouldn't complain anymore. He helps out with house chores, he can handle Ethan from A-Z and he's patient. I should remind myself more on all this and I will try harder not to nag (finger-crossed).

I didn't do a detour to Tokyo even though the flight transitted at Narita Airport/ Haneda Airport because I don't want to be away from my boys any longer than it's supposed to be...and not to spend more money. I think it's a wise decision considering the price hike in almost everything lately especially the petrol price. It's scary. I don't know how the lower income group going to survive. Although we can still live comfortably, both hubby and me still think that we should be more prudent with our spending.

On my trip to Japan, I found that Japanese are very nice and polite. Service is world class. Whenever we buy things, they will ask if that's a present and they will wrap it for us f.o.c. (regardless of what we bought). They even have plastic bags to cover the shopping bag to avoid the bags from getting wet. It was raining season there.

Apart from shopping there were nothing much I did it Japan. So, these are the stuff I got....

Clothing for Ethan and my niece

Nice hankies as souvenirs

Japanese cotton

Stuff from the Daiso (a.k.a. 100 Yen shop coz almost everything is 100 Yen)

Plastics over paper bags to protect them from rain. Nice er?

Nice wrappings

We can only afford this for dinner. A RM30-bowl of noodles


jazzmint said...

wahhh...alot of loots from Jap

Anonymous said...

Wow.. kudos to Daddy!

Par said...

I want to go there to shop but I think I will spend too much.
Great husband you got!

Sasha Tan said...

*thumbs up for daddy*

Eh what u gonna do with the cloth jek? So nice!

Blessed mum said...

100yen!! so cheap for all the bento stuffs!! It cost much more here!!

CL said...

Yr hubby is such a good father, cook somemore. Mine will probably feed my girl junk food, e.g cookies.

Wah... so many loots from Japan. Envy envy, can travel at co's expense.

Baby Darren said...

what can i say are such a lucky woman and Ethan is definately a lucky boy. :)

Travel again? No wonder no hear from you for so long...i wish i can go Japan too...very fruitful trip huh?

TheBlueRanger said...


i shouldn't complain already hor

need to think twice before buying :-)

don't know wor, i haven't got a sewing machine...hahaha!

blessed mum,
it's really cheap!! and it's strange coz other things are so expensive

malaika's mummy,
we shouldn't underestimate them..maybe your hubby will do something unexpectedly if given the chance

baby darren,
if i stay longer definitely burn bigger hole in my pocket

N a d i a said...

cayalah, Daddy! ;-)

TheBlueRanger said...
