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16 July 2007

HFMD Again!

13 months 3 weeks & 3 days old.....

The first time Ethan had it, it was very light and we didn't noticed it until he almost fully recovered. This time, he was not so lucky. Until now, we have no idea where he got it. Nobody at the day care got it and he did not spread it to other kids, thank goodness. It started with a fever on Sunday (8 July). The fever refused to go away even after medication twice and I began to worry when the temperature was still at 38 oc at 10 p.m. We brought him to the hospital and the doctor said he got throat infection. (I will never go to that hospital again!) Ethan was given suppository and the fever went down until it returned again early in the morning. So, I've decided to take half day off and went to my mother's house so that he can stay there when I go to work. At that time, the fever was under control.

Then, at around 11.30 a.m. I started to notice some red spots on Ethan's hand and leg. My heart beat shot up immediately! When I checked his mouth, I saw two ulcers on his tongue. That's it! Heart beat gone haywire! Call up hubby immediately and we went back to see Ethan's paed. The paed. confirmed it. Took some medication and went home. No need hospitalisation, just monitor him at home. The paed. said the ulcers on the mouth will recover in 3 days time and advised us to feed him more water. True enough, we went back for check-up on Wednesday and the ulcers were gone but the spots on his body were pretty bad. Some spots were like rashes and some like chicken pox. The spots were on his hands, legs, buttock and neck area. Some scars are still visible today.

The red spots on his thigh
....and mouth

I took the whole week off to take care of him at home. I tell you, it can be very stressful taking care of a sick child. He was extremely clingy and cranky. When he's in a good mood, he will play on his own while watching barney/ other cds. At other times, he just want me to carry him and walk around the house and refused to let me sit down! Refused to let daddy carry too. Even when he's very sleepy, he will not sleep without kicking up a fuss.

Ok, the bad thing is over. Something good also happened last week. We saw Ethan pulled himself up to a stand for the first time. He also made a few wobbly steps. We always encourage him to stand and walk but he was not keen. Sometimes, when we hold his hands, he will just pull our hands and bend his knees or even wrap his legs around our leg (like a koala bear). See the video below. (You have to tilt your head a bit because I cannot rotate it....hehehe)


Anonymous said...

oh dear! Poor Ethan to have to go through this again...

Hope he is getting better. Mabe feed him more cooling tea might help to speed up his recovery.

Btw, I've moved house... maybe can update your link? :)

jazzmint said...

oh boy, hope he's getting better

TheBlueRanger said...

gave him barley drink
...and updated the wor

yeah, he's fully recovered now

Anonymous said...

wah scary hfmd strike again!
at least this can boost his immune system abit! since he's not getting so bad from it. wui have you give him pneumococcal vaccine ?

TheBlueRanger said...

this time it's pretty bad lar, the first time was nothing. i hope it can really boost his immune system coz this thing will come back, not like chicken pox. given him 2 pneumococcal jabs, third one scheduled at 15 months.

Lemonjude said...

Good to hear that he is getting better, can understand a sick baby need triple effort to look after.

btw, can't view your video which have set to private?

etceteramommy said...

Thank goodness he's recovering. So all in all he ethan recovered in 3 days?

TheBlueRanger said...

ya lor, the video should be ok now.

etc mommy,
yeah, only those spots that look like chicken pox take a week to heal.

Sasha Tan said...

wei i scare me. I was in yr blog suddenly u commented in my blog. Hahahaha
poor boy, but it shud be okay soon.

Aiyoh ...the video senget la..

N a d i a said...

hope he's okay now, and ready to rock the house! heheheh..;-)anyway, do take care of yourself too. you need to take care of yourself first to be physically and mentally fit to take care good care of your baby..worait?
btw, how's the BIG anniversary dinner? who sang ha? sheila majid?..and who's the emcee? hehhehe..;-)

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

i feel soo sorry for ethan coz he had to go through this thing again!! poor poor thing! nadia's absolutely right; hope ure taking good care of yourself too. sick kids can be so trying.. hang in there blueranger...

TheBlueRanger said...

haha! forgot that i cannot rotate the video..

not only rock the house, drives me up the wall also..
the dinner, didn't attend wor coz ethan was sick, but not as grand as what was planned lar, 20 odd tables, & the performer.....
tadaaaaa..........a comedian!

hehe...i'm still sane

Anonymous said...

oh no... I hope he's feeling much better by now....

TheBlueRanger said...

he's ok now, thanks

Baby Darren said...

oh..poor mommy and wonder u have been MIA for a while. It's never easy taking care of a sick child. Thank god that he has recovered by now...

Now he can stand and make a few steps forward, very soon he can walk already....good achievement, Ethan!!

Nadia said...

Poor boy. Hope he's better now. Sigh. Really pening when ada sick kid in the house, kan?