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Ethan's age

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

28 June 2007

Give and Take

When I was China, I lost 8 precious days to be with my little boy. I miss him terribly. I miss his voice, his laughter, his hug and his cheeky face. It was a hard time trying not to think so much about him. It was even harder trying not to think what are the bad things that could happen to him. Will he fall sick? Will he climb out of the cot when hubby is in the shower? etc. etc. I called hubby a few times and the first thing I always asked was ‘How is Ethan?’ He assured me that everything was fine. Somehow, I did not ask him ‘How are you’? I just assume that he was ok because Ethan was ok. What a terrible wife I am.

A week after I returned home, I slowly realise that I actually gained something out of the trip. Something I think I will not get without this trip. I realise that hubby can actually take very good care of Ethan. Now, he can even tell me what to do and what not to do and what Ethan prefers. I felt very proud when he did that, seriously. Before this, I’m always the one who was telling him those things. Sometimes, I felt like I talked too much but at the same time I also thought that if I don’t tell him that, he will never know. I always think that he didn’t put much attention or thought on Ethan and that upsets me very often. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I was the one who always wanted to take charge of everything. Now, for the very first time, I felt like some of my burden was lifted away. I felt more relaxed because I know that I can rely on hubby when it comes to Ethan. I’ve learnt to let go and be less rigid about things. Maybe he has his own ways of showing his care and love.

Love you guys!


Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

such a good daddy he is! looks like u had a great time in China :D

Sasha Tan said...

yeah never try never know. Mine also expert edi after i went to vietnam. But once i come back , he became lazy and throw jayden back to me. HmmpH!

jazzmint said...

hehe..good lor, then can travel more ;). i wish mine will volunteer to jaga oso..probably when they older and no need depend on grandma

Anonymous said...

It's good that yr hubby can take care of Ethan well.

Well, mine just throw his daughter to me. What to do?! SAHM wat, my full time job is to look after her.

Malaika's mummy

Anonymous said...

Hi BR--what a lovely post. So good to learn that your partner can work with the child (smile).

Thank you for sharing such heartfelt thoughts!

LHS said...

great hubby you have!
sometimes have to let men learn oo...more pratices more perfect

etceteramommy said...

I agree with you, sometimes we just underestimates the Daddy's power... It is actually whether or not we could let go...

Btw, nice pic!

TheBlueRanger said...

sometimes i feel like i'm really blessed to have married him. the china trip was ok, new experience :-)

ya lor, i think they take us for granted

eh, no lar..dun want to travel so often ler...volunteer? no way they will volunteer...mine had to becasue no other choice mar

malaika's mummy,
that's one thing being a SAHM, i'm sure my hubby will be the same too

the new parent,
thanks! it's a little confession i had to make

haha, true lor, practice make perfect

etc mommy,
it's not easy to let go ler :-)

Lemonjude said...

Not sure you have done this tag before

Baby Darren said...

i believe sometimes we are the one who worried too much. Somehow they (men) will find a way to a situation/problem. Just need to have faith in them....

Your hubby did a good job..and a nice post and photo to express ur thoughts here.