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18 June 2007

Everything Is Fine

I'm back and everything is fine. Phew! Most importantly, Ethan is ok and he behaved very well. The plane landed around 11pm last night and when I went to the taxi counter to buy ticket, the girl told me that there was a long queue and we need to wait for about 20 minutes. True enough, the queue stretched from Gate 3 to Gate 2! What a sight. And someone actually took photograph of the queue. I've waited for almost 30 minutes and by the time I reached home, it's already past midnight. After putting down my luggage, I quickly went to the room and kissed both of them. I really missed them. Ethan was asleep but hubby was still awake. We chatted for a while and Ethan woke up. I talked to him but he was blur. Then, I held out my hand and he quickly leaned towards me. Oh boy, that was something I miss very very much.

Hubby passed the baton to me and asked me to coax Ethan back to sleep. So, I slept with Ethan but he had difficulties going back to sleep. Tossed and turned, tossed and turned. Gave him another round of milk but still he cannot sleep. Finally, he climbed up the bed and looked for his daddy! He wanted his daddy to sleep with him! So, we slept together for a while. I think Ethan fell asleep at around 1.30 a.m. After that, hubby went back to his bed and I continued to sleep with Ethan. He did not slept well and made noise through out the night. Hubby said he was not like this and slept very well the whole week when I was not around. Hmmmm....Was he confused that why suddenly his mummy appeared in the middle of the night? Or he wanted his daddy to sleep with him?

This morning, when he woke up (around 7.30 a.m.), he was a little grumpy. Maybe not enough sleep. And I sensed that he kept looking for his daddy and wanted his daddy to carry him. I was a little sad of course but I'm sure things will go back to normal soon. I hope I don't have to be away from Ethan for so long again. And yeah, I'm working today and feel very sleepy the whole day. I have not unpacked and all the things are still in the bags. I guess I need a few days to clear it.


etceteramommy said...

Kekekeke.. if normal days sure kena piak piak edi still awake past midnight. :P Dont worry, am sure Ethan will remember his beloved mummy very very soon.....:D

Anonymous said...

Hi BR--welcome back. With a little more sleep, everyone will feel "whole" again (smile)!

Sasha Tan said...

haha same thing happened when i came back. Jayden wanted his dad and not me. UWAAAAAAAAAAAaa

TheBlueRanger said...

etc-mommy, know me well

the new parent,
Yeah! Cheers.

'gek sam' ler...

Nadia said...

Welcome back! Don't worry, after this sure things will go back to normal.. :)

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

Welcome back!!

You poor thing... I'm starting work soon so I guess there'll be times when I'll feel the way you do coz they say the work will require travelling. Sigh...

Sometimes I don't know which is better.. being a stay-at-home mom or working mom?! But! If self-fulfilment coz lack-of-career, right? If working...different issues.

What to do! :(

LHS said...

Welcome back..
don't worry the luggage first, those can wait..most importantly is rest well!

come and visit my new home : -

CL said...

Welcome back. Everything will back to normal, and little Ethan will still want to sleep with you.

I guess he was confused of your sudden present.

Baby Darren said...

Welcome back. Glad that everything is fine. Don't worry, soon Ethan will be clinging to you again....

TheBlueRanger said...


i'm still looking for an answer to your question :-/

wah, got new home ar...

malaika's mummy,
sigh..1 week already confused, if 2 weeks, guess he will forget about me :-(

baby darren,
hehe...we'll see how next week go