On the other hand, I'm feeling a little down and sad because I have to leave my little precious for a week. No, 8 days to be exact. Sigh.................................
Another official trip. This time is to Ukraine from 15-23 September. I'm not looking forward to it AT ALL! My heart felt so heavy, extremely heavy, to be separated from Ethan for so long. In fact, I told my mum and sis that if this trip is cancelled, I will 'belanja makan' (give them a treat).
But, if I were to tell this to other people especially the people at my office, they will think I'm SHOWING OFF! BLUFFING! NOT APPRECIATIVE! etc. etc. Why? Because majority of them think that it's a BONUS when you get to travel. So, when people say, 'Wah! So good ar, travel again", I will just try to be neutral, neither happy nor sad.
Work is work lar! If I'm asked to travel, I will go. But I never and will not play dirty tricks and politics just to get the opportunity to travel. You'll be surprised if I tell you how far some people will go so that they can travel.
Ok lar, enough ranting. If you want to know how is my mood now, see the photo below, Ethan expressed it so perfectly.
show off!! haha
kidding :)
well, i'm totally jumping of joy thinking i can 'shed off' my kou yeok and have some private time all for myself! so bad! but in reality i fell so insecure when ashley not on my side.. even sometimes when her dad took her to downstairs so that i can have a good nap..i couldn't relax at all! i will be missing her so badly! so i know i'm her kou yeok instead :(
so i know how you feel about leaving ethan for few days... maybe mom is like that.. the bonding is much greater than the father..
glad ly's son is fine now.
well, i purely understand how u feel, that is why i switch role. I gave up my transition mgr and chose something local, I don't want to end up ppl say why i don't need to travel, the rest have to...and I wasn't ready to leave the kids back home for so long. though at times i do miss those travelling days
Hi BR--that's such nice news about your friend. News like that is such a joy to hear.
I can understand how you will miss your little one. I've never been away that long and would miss my daughter very much.
These are always difficult decisions. But when you come back it will be a joyful welcome (smile)!
wow! i didn't know you are so clingy. hehehe.....
i admire your courage in making the decision. your children are lucky to have such a good mummy.
in my case, there's no such option.
the new parent,
i'm already thinking about my return, looking at ethan's smile, hugging & kissing him.
now, that's really painful....
I should thank my lucky stars that my dad doesn't ask me to travel here and there for the company. LOL. I don't know what I'd do if I have to leave Irfan for days. Irwan's pretty much fed-up about leaving Irfan for too long. But work's work, right? Sigh...
Hang in there, babe!
I believe all parents will share the same feeling with you.
Even when I am out having mt hair cut (for about 2-3 hrs), I can't even relax. I keep on thinking about Malaika. ;)
Hang in there.
oo i know yr feeling. Last time when i get to travel ppl say OOO u so lucky and all..pls la! I don;t wanna travel so i know how u feel!
by the time u read this, u've left on the trip already. a few months ago i was offered a good job with good pay but i would have to be prepared to travel to east malaysia every month, so i rejected it. ppl were all scolding me left right and centre!! they said i was stupid and ungrateful. i believe what u say about ppl being so critical of you. looking at you and ethan's face...feel so sad lah. i don't know how you do it, but i admire and salute u for doing this! do hang in there! and hopefully all will go well for u, ethan and your hubs
oops! i forgot to say; i remember your story about your fren LY's baby. i cried when i read it! (yes i am very emo!). i'm so happy to hear the baby's fully recovered :D
Yes I rmb your friend's story and was utterly upset when I read about it. Im so happy to hear the lil one is okay and moving on to lead a normal life.
Hey.. 7 days to go until you're back. Try skype la.. at least can see the face, hear the voice? Have a safe trip~~
hahahaha...ya lor..travel, and came back with nothing to report and lousy photos! and yet, can still tell the whole world what they (they ke seorang? heheh) shopped while they travelled. haiyaaa...the nerve of some people!
when i was working there, they used to bring me big headache to write my articles cuz of the level of lousiness of their reports and photos. sigh. and worst, they got promoted for that?! double sigh.
anyway, glad to hear that baby yg kena kanser tu dah baik.
yeah, you are indeed very lucky :-) and i know how your hubby feel, trust me
malaika's mummy,
i believe you are like my dear friend, esther (the 1st comment)...only not that extreme yet :-)
it feels so good when you know there are people out there who understand how you feel, especially a genuine one. thanks friend!
yay! i'm home and everyone's well, except that ethan was sick on thursday and friday. he's ok now. will blog about it later.
i thinks it's a lot easier to take the scolding than to suffer the agony of leaving your little precious every month. that's my opinion lar.
hey! i survived. yeah, i know about skype.
haha! you know, i know lar. things are pretty much the same until now. i guess some people will never change lar.
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