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Ethan's age

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11 August 2008

Things They Pick Up From TV

2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks & 6 days old.....

When Ethan was down with chicken pox, I took leave to stay at home with him. When I had to cook and do some house chores, I relied on the tv to entertain him. If not, he will stick to me like a koala bear. I can't even go to the toilet without him crying outside the bathroom, as if I'll disappear behind the door and never return.

Apart from tv, I tried to do different activities with him like drawing, teaching him shapes, reading and doing puzzles but at times, I sensed that he's bored and he threw a lot of tantrums. I always say I wanted to be a SAHM but I already felt so lost after staying at home with him for four days. Probably all I need is time to adjust.

During that few days at home, I also introduced him to Hi-5 coz I got so sick with all the Barney, Teletubbies, etc. etc. We got the Hi-5 CDs from Judy (thanks again) many months ago but he didn't like it then. This round, he's totally addicted to it. Since he already know how to load the cd and press the play button, I cannot stop him from playing it over and over again. The only way I can switch the tv programme or switch off the tv is to distract him with shower or playing with him (but this does not work all the time).

All this while, I only thought he will pick up words from watching all these shows but recently he's also fast in picking up some actions. The obvious one is playing guitar. He saw a guy in Hi-5 playing a guitar while singing, he also asked for his daddy's good old guitar (since our courting days) and did the same. He does it everytime when the scene is showing on the tv. When the scene is over, he will dump the guitar. As the guitar is too big for him, Daddy was worried that it might hurt him so he bought a small guitar just for the little one. It was actually meant for display but it's the smallest we could find in the guitar shop. The damage: RM60.

I don't know what else he will pick up from the tv but from now on, I guess we have to be more carefull and selective with tv shows. Sometimes, when a thing appears to be harmless to us might cause undesirable actions from our kids. Hubby once told me that his nephew who was around 3 years old (when the incident happened) spat on a kid at a playground. The parents were of course unhappy with that and also wondered where he learn that as nobody taught him so and nobody at home ever did that. They finally figured out that he picked it up from 'Titanic'. Remember the scene where the hero taught the heroin how to spit on board the ship? Amazing ler......

Here's a clip on Ethan singing 'Tingkle Tingkle Eeetle Tar' (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) while stroking the guitar.


Sasha Tan said...

Wah mat rock style of singing! haha

Leona said...

Watching Ethan strum the guitar left me smiling n tickled. So cute.

Yeah i agree with u about the influence of tv on our kids these days and how much we do rely on tv to
occupy their time while giving us some space.So hard to actually filter what goes in their brains. I actually tried watching "The cat in the hat" movie with Ryan the other day. I thought it might be a change for him. Ended up he started jumping on the couch like the characters in the show!I quickly stopped the show.I guess parental guidance is so important.

Baby Darren said...

hahaha..he is just so cute on the guitar..

Now can join darren on the Hi-5 fan gang already...Darren also imitates a lot of the dancing and singing action from the show..but i guess it is quite educational..

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

how amazing can kids be! gib picked up the guitar-playing trick from tv too! now we have to hide husband's good ol' guitar (also from our younger days! :p) maybe we should really get him a small guitar or a toy guitar...??

Anonymous said...

My boy doesn't like Hi-5. Tak minat. Strange.

Ethan, the mat Rocker in the making there. Hahahah.. so cute!

Blessed mum said...

aiyo! He so cute playing and singing!!! LOL...

Agrees with you, that's why, I'm very selective over what they watched..but think HI-5 is ok..

slavemom said...

Wow... *clap clap clap clap*
Look at him head-banging away! hehehe

CL said...

so cute. very talented.

Lemonjude said...

Glad that he likes it. My boy still not really like Hi-5. Btw, he really got the style stroking the guitar while singing.

Be prepare he ask learning on guitar, not bad what...

TheBlueRanger said...

cool er..

yeah, the way they see things are different from adults.

baby darren,
his fav is Tim coz he plays guitar. i like the songs too...hehe

oh i will try to take photos of the small guitar we bought for ethan. it looks exactly like the real one except that the sound is not as nice lar

hope he will not turn out to be a long-hair dirty-looking rocker

blessed mum,
yeah, Hi-5 is good

thank you! thank you!

malaika's mummy,
thanks! fooling around only lar. don't know how long the interest in guitar will last

glad that you gave us the CDs. hubby just bought another one for him

Unknown said...

wah rock star man!! li har, u can start training him to be a superstar!!