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Ethan's age

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26 August 2008

Fed Up!!

2 years, 3 months & 4 days old.....

After weeks and months of consideration, we have decided to send Ethan to a new pre-school + daycare starting September 08. The condition at the current daycare is deteriorating fast and become almost unbearable to me. The last straw was when I caught them lying. I called to find out how was Ethan because he just recovered from Chicken Pox. The maid at the centre told me both bosses were not around. That was almost 11 a.m. in the morning. I really really hate this and it happened many many times already. They just leave the kids with the maid. Even though the maids have experience in taking care of the children, they can't just leave everything to the maids. What happened if there is an emergency??? The situation got worse when the number of maids getting less and less to the point now where one maid is taking care of around 8-10 kids!!!

So I called one of the lady bosses on her mobile. The conversation went like this:

Me: Hi....
Lady Boss: Hi, how is Ethan?
Me: I thought I should be asking you? (I asked jokingly but inside already boiling)
Lady Boss: No lar.....I ask how is he when he had Chicken Pox?
Me: He's ok...blablabla..........I called the centre earlier to find out how is he coz he was crying when I left.....
Lady Boss: No answer ar?
Me: Yeah...
Lady Boss: Yeah lar, sometimes they are at the back and the phone is in front, so they can't hear the phone ringing.
Me: Actually, I spoke to L and she said both you and A (another lady boss) also not around and there is not enough staff around. I'm worried lar
Lady Boss: Ooh.......... (then she changed the topic)

From then on, my trust on them vanished in the thin air. The more I dig, the more lies I discovered. At the same time, I went to look for new taska (preschool+ daycare) and we already informed them that August will be last month for Ethan. That time, we already found two taska, which are ok but have not decided on which one. Whatever it is, Ethan is leaving. That's for sure.

Just barely a week after we told them that Ethan is leaving, he got HFMD again!!!! That's one month after he got Chicken Pox. Can you see how FRUSTRATED I was?? Two days before Ethan got it, I overheard a mother telling a maid there that her son had HFMD. When I asked them, they lied about it and denied it. Remember the maid who said 'The doctors don't know anything'? She said that kid got virus, not HFMD!! I asked what virus, she cannot answer me. She said 'You know, virus like Chicken Pox can cause something to hand and mouth also.' Mind you that kid already got chicken pox about the same time Ethan got it and he was there throughout the time he was sick (except Sunday lar). How I got to know? My friend's baby is there and she had spoken to the mother. By the way, her baby is leaving also. She's as frustrated as I am.

So what the heck was maid talking about?? I just ignored her. No point talking to her. After Ethan got it, a few other kids also kena and the centre was closed for 4 days. They put all the blame on Ethan and told the other mothers my son got HFMD first. Nevermind lar, he's leaving soon. I just have to tahan for another 3 days.


Blessed mum said...

that's very bad of the daycare..think they should have their licence revoke..if they know that there are HFMD or Chicken pox, they should notify all parents, esp HFMD. Its irresponsible, reading it makes my blood boiled too!

Btw, why is the kids being taken care by maid and not teachers? I would pull my kid out the very time I find them lying..

Baby Darren said...

OMG..what a lousy day care it make the right choice of pulling Ethan out.

Hope he'll enjoy himself more at the new day care.

CL said...

A very badly-run daycare. Very irresponsible ppl there.

It is the right move to go for a new daycare. And hopefully, Ethan will enjoy more.

Anonymous said...

I personally felt that all the taska here are badly managed and very commercialized. They don't really care about our kids but just asked us to buy more stuff where they can earn $$ from desperate parents like us.

That was why we kept hesitating on sending Darrius to a playschool though he is ready to go mix around.

I hope Ethan will be happier in the new day care.

Lemonjude said...

Poor Ethan suffer after one another.

You make the right choice to cabut. Hopefully Ethan no hard time in get use of the new environment and ppl there.

Anonymous said...

Really irresponsible bunch of people! I bet the maids were just puppets and obeying the intructions from the owners. I wonder how they would feel when their own kids are on the hands of the caretakers like them! Good for Ethan, he's living the hell.

TheBlueRanger said...

blessed mum,
long story. when we first sent ethan there, the 2 bosses were there most of the time. the maids were supposed to assist them only. so, there's 1 boss + 1 maid for each group. then the bosses started to disappear more often but they hired a teacher to teach and take care of the older children (ethan's group). then the teacher left and the no. of maids getting less and less. the bosses still didn't bother to spend more time there and help out knowing that they are short of staff.

baby darren & malaika's mummy,
i really hope so. i'm so geram with the current one

yeah, i think most of them (8 out of 10) are like that but i have the feeling that the principal of the new daycare i found is quite good. her charge is the lowest even though the set up is better than the others. i hope my instinct is right.

lets keep our finger crossed

they will never know coz theirs are school-going age already and the mothers send and fetch them everyday. that's one reason why the bosses are not there all the time. also they go out to run other errands like banking, sending them to tuition and god know what.

cre8tone said...

3 days very fast over... ganbatte!~

slavemom said...

It's obvious they're jes out to make money n not bother abt the children's welfare.
Poor Ethan, HFMD again. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Hope he adapts well to the new pre-schl.

TheBlueRanger said...

little prince's mummy,
1 more day...yay!!!

he's ok now. thanks :-)

Par said...

A very bad place.
Glad you took him out.