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14 April 2011

Piano Class

Ethan is 4 years, 10 months, 3 weeks & 2 days old.....

We have sent Ethan for piano class starting November last year and so far he's still attending it every very week for 30 minutes. There are so many types of enrichment classes out there but I would like him to pick up some skills and put less pressure on academic stuff.

He was ok with it in the beginning and sort of enjoyed it but lately, he's been telling us every time before going out from home that he doesn't want to go. We of course insisted that he goes and if he really doesn't want to go anymore, we asked him to tell the teacher himself. He didn't dare to do it and went ahead with the class. When I observed him in the class, he seemed to be paying attention. So after class, I asked him again if he still wants to attend, I got a 'yes' one time and a 'no' the other time. I guess for the time being, we'll just continue with it until he knows what he really wants. If he's really not interested, we will not force him and will try to find other enrichment programme. I'm thinking of swimming lessons but he's so 'kiasi', so I really don't know if he'll survive the first class or not.

Pic taken during the first class


Etceteramommy said...

It's a one to one class? I m thinking of sending Ryan for piano too but I was told (Yamaha) they only have group lesson for 4-5 yo.

TheBlueRanger said...

Yes, it's one to one. Every class is 30 mins bcs they're still young and has shorter attention span, I was told. I've asked Yamaha before I sent him to this centre and got the same answer as yours.

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

wow its impressive to me that he can sit down for those 30 minute classes coz some kids just wont (mine included!).. they've got really good swimming classes too out there (we used to send Gibran to The Club in Bukit Utama but now he's taking a break coz the only slot available on sundays is 8 am.. .too early, too cold!).. i think ethan would enjoy it coz the coaches are really good with kids :)

Baby Darren said...

maybe he is too young to attend a "sit down" class for a good 30mins. Maybe you can observe further to see his interest before making any decision.

I intend to send Darren for swimming lessons too but it has been raining lately..sigh...

The Blue Ranger said...

Hi Babybooned & Darren's mummy,

The last 2 times I asked Ethan, he still said he doesn't like piano class, but when I said "If you don't go to piano class then you cannot play piano like your teacher next time, how?". He kept quiet. I didn't force him right?